During construction and renovation, drywall dust and sealant inevitably end up everywhere. Ideally, the person working with the drywall should vacuum it up and throw it away. It’s just that it’s usually not taken care of at all, and it’s a threat to your paint, floor, and lungs.
During construction, dust easily accumulates, and before painting it must be specially searched for and removed. Dust from drywall and joint sealer can be especially harmful to matte latex paints, which many builders use as primers and paints. The paint won’t stick properly because it doesn’t have enough moisture to penetrate the dirt, especially if it’s sprayed.
However, poor paintwork may not be the worst. Dust from drywall and joint materials (“drywall grime”) is a known occupational hazard because it is often multi-material and can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Silica is often present and can even cause serious health problems such as silicosis and lung cancer (according to the CDC). So it’s a good idea to throw these things away, and it’s obviously a good idea to do so while wearing the proper protective gear, such as a dust mask or respirator.
As strange as it may sound, dirt in grout can cause some floors to crack over time. The culprit is dust, and his accomplice is water. The standard cleaning procedure after installing drywall is to sand, then vacuum and wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. This is a good process for cleaning the drywall itself, but be careful when cleaning wood floors with water if drywall dust is present. Drywall dust in floor crevices can be dissolved with water. This can swell and split the floor, or wet the wood enough to warp and require replacement.
Dust has a habit of getting into every crevice of the floor, which is known as open particle pollution. It is best to vacuum with a soft bristle attachment. Then use a brush to remove the stubborn dust. Tampico brushes for cleaning leather fibers are ideal. You can also use a soft brush that won’t damage the floor. Then vacuum again, always following the manufacturer’s recommendations when cleaning floors. If resealing floors is part of a renovation project, these steps must be carefully followed and can be done by a professional.
Concrete and similar porous floor surfaces present a unique challenge for those trying to remove drywall dust. In general, it can be treated like any other surface, with minor modifications. Also, when it comes to removing concrete dust, there is a revolutionary approach to sweeping mixes. Sweepers are common in commercial applications and you can buy them at most hardware stores. They are inexpensive and very effective at removing dust from floors. Sweepers contain binder additives that bind dust into larger particles, making dust removal easier.
The process is as follows: first wipe the surfaces above the floor, including the walls, with a damp cloth or sponge. This will prevent dirt that is not currently on the floor from getting onto the floor later. Apply a thin layer of sweeping compound to the entire floor. One of the benefits of this is that it prevents dust from the floor from being released into the air and re-coating the freshly cleaned surface. Then use a stiff-bristled brush to sweep the mixture and dust into a pile, using a long, low broom to minimize the amount of dust raised. Use the trash bin to pack the trash and seal the trash bag. Tie it tightly in a knot rather than using any built-in laces as this will leave gaps for dust to escape. Using the brush head and HEPA filter, vacuum the floor to remove most of the remaining dust. Finally, use a mop pad with warm water and detergent to remove any residue.
The best advice when dealing with drywall and joint sealant dust is usually to avoid buildup in the first place. This is especially true for carpets. But once the dust gets there, it has to be dealt with and there is a meticulous process to remove it. First, carefully collect as much dust as possible, again using a HEPA filter, so that the vacuum cleaner does not just throw dust back into the air. Tap the area with visible (or suspected) dust with the brush, then vacuum up anything that came off from the tapping. Avoid the scrubbing action when using a brush to prevent dirt from penetrating deeper into the carpet fibers.
The most important part of this process is safety and ventilation. You will need to wear good quality personal protective equipment such as a face shield and goggles, especially if you are sensitive to dust. Open all windows to ventilate the room well. You should also turn off the ventilation and air conditioning system. If it comes out on its own during cleaning, the air escaping from the vent can spread loose dust throughout the house.
Probably the biggest problem with drywall dust lies in its source: the vertical surface of the wall. Dust can damage the paint and prevent a perfect finish. Fortunately, it can be completely removed, leaving you with a smooth and clean surface.
It is quite common to re-scrub and vacuum the walls, and to use a damp cloth to remove residual dust. But be careful not to apply too much water, which can soften drywall dirt and dislodge it, resulting in uneven patches on the final finish. Other than that, you have other options and they can be combined for a thorough cleaning. First, consider a drywall vacuum sander. You can buy one that attaches to a commercial vacuum cleaner for over $100 at your local hardware store. They usually do a good job of removing dust when sanding. The Swiffer’s ability to capture dust is another effective last-minute cleaning tool.
You may be tempted to simply spray primer on the walls to hold the dirt in place rather than remove it. Sure, it’s no longer loose dust, but you suddenly have an imperfect surface. However, additional sanding after the priming step will provide a smoother wall surface and complete preparation for painting.
Removing seam adhesive from a surface is a completely different problem than removing dust. Or rather, this is an additional problem, since in the end you are also dealing with dust. This is because, unless you are dealing with carpet or fabric, it is best not to attempt to process the joint compound while it is wet.
When the sealant dries, it will be a little easier to work with. Cutting, scraping or sanding dry material is much easier than working with wet compounds that tend to spread over other surfaces. To remove wet sealant from hard surfaces, use a damp sponge to remove excess sealant. Let the residue dry, then scrape it off and collect the dried debris with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Then, if there are residues, wipe them with a damp cloth.
Dry dirt or composition can be cleaned from a carpet or other fabrics with an ordinary kitchen knife. Just scrape off dried-on stains by loosening the dry mix. It probably won’t stain your carpet fibers, but if stains remain, a regular steam carpet cleaner will do the trick.
As we said earlier, it is better to avoid dust than to clean it. Even if you don’t install drywall yourself, there are many things you can do to improve the situation. Pre-project preparation can reduce post-project dusting. You can keep dust out by applying plastic tape to doorways and other openings to seal off the room or area where drywall is being used. Use more plastic to cover surfaces like countertops and furniture. Ventilation is essential for your health and it is best to use powerful fans and cross-ventilation to remove dust during operation.
If you’re doing this job, use a drywall dirt pan to control where the excess dirt goes and apply the minimum amount of mortar in thin layers to reduce the need for sanding. You should also keep your seam knife clean, removing even the smallest dry clumps. On the way, clean the space as thoroughly as possible. Before sweeping or wiping with a cloth, dampen dusty areas to prevent dust from getting into the air. Simply scrape off and vacuum any leftover joint compound on the subfloor before installing carpet or other flooring. And don’t use compressed air to try and remove dust around the drywall and joint sealer. You would just send it up in the air and then put it back somewhere else in space.
Post time: Jun-23-2023